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Sunday, 24 June 2007

I Have PMS (Pre-Marathon Stress) by Kenny Sia

Kenny Sia wrote:


"Things I look forward to:

- The exhiliration and energy of the crowd at the starting line.
- Keeping my target pace consistently at 6:50 per km.
- The hypnotic trance I get into midway through the race.
- Watching girls in short shorts.
- The indescribable feeling when I cross the finishing line.

Things I fear:

- 1km of uphill climb in the middle of the bridge.
- Cramps. I had a severe case last year at the 30km mark that basically forced me to walk for the remaining 12km.
- Bad weather. The forecast for Sunday according to Yahoo! Weather is "Scattered Thunderstorms". So not looking forward to that. Just a few days ago, Penang was the target of a freak storm that blew off boats. Surely you won't wanna see headlines that scream "Kuching Marathoner Blown Off The Penang Bridge" tomorrow on the newspapers." Read further...

Funny Malaysia: Good luck Kenny...make sure you don't fall off the bridge.

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