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Saturday, 16 June 2007

Touched For The Very First Time by Kenny Sia

Kenny Sia Wrote:


"A common friend of ours spotted Jo and introduced us to each other. It was the first time I've met her, so I did the normal thing by making a small talk and socialising.

But while I was doing that, my hand was unwittingly placed behind Jo's back.

No, I'm not grabbing her arse or anything. Just comfortably placed on the small of her back while she yelled into my ears, because hey, there were drums there and it was loud!

It wasn't until months after that incident that Jo told me she was actually feeling uncomfortable that I was physically touching her that night.

Seeing as how I was a total stranger and it was only the first time we met, she thought it was kinda inappropriate. And when she revealed that to me, I felt like crap! There was nothing malicious at all about that hand behind her back, but I felt bad because I was making her feel uncomfortable.

Suddenly, I felt like a sexual molester!" Read further...

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