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Monday, 20 August 2007

Ah Beng in Public

  1. Taking out more thigh space than usual.
  2. When sitting down, one would open his legs like tua bek kong, resulting in less than normal leg room for others. In the end we look like virgins and they look like pros.
  3. People rushing into an already packed train
    It is almost like a horror movie. The train is already fking full and just when u think that is the worse, another train arrive and the interchange. It doesn't help that he/she smells
  4. When sitting, someone 'kiao ka' (cross his/her legs)
    and the sole keep rubbing on to your clothing. knn seriously no manners!
  5. People using his HandPhone(HP) macham like remote control
    Esp for 'trend setters' or haolian kias, like to show off his/her phone. Keep moving the hp ard when messaging, macham its remote control cannot have signal. nb
  6. Using HP ringtone like radio.
    Playing HP ringtone again and again and again and again. For mono ring tones you look just plain suaku so stop it!
  7. Acting like surgeons.
    I sure u see, esp middle age ladies, that like to put a tissue or cover his/her mouth or/and nose with tissue paper. Macham we are the only one with germs. Worse is when there is no one coughing, sneezing, and the odour probably come from the 'surgeons' themselves.
  8. People entering the train blocking the exit
    If you don't let me come out how are you going to go in? :confused: This is becoming a national issue. Happens very often in lifts as well!!!

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