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Friday, 14 September 2007

Morons at Airport - very funny

FM: Received this from a friend. Totally Hilarious!

Two guys have wasted their time at airports, in this case, London’s Heathrow, by writing down strange names and asking the airport Information Center to locate these people by calling out their names on the airport’s PA system. These guys would then hang out beneath the speakers and record the results.

In order to make it as believable as possible, they dressed up as chauffeurs and asked for help finding these people about 40 minutes after a Thai Airways, Malaysian Airlines or Air India flight had landed.

They acted as if they could not pronounce the names themselves, so as not to reveal the joke, but just handed over a note with the names printed on it and asked the employee at the Information Center.

After the fifth recording, they had to leave Heathrow as airport security figured out what was going on. The last recording is from Gatwick.

To hear the recordings, click on the videos below. Give these guys the Big Practical Joker prize.

Prank 1#
Names printed on the note: Arheddis Varkenjaab and Aywellbe Fayed
Reads like this: "I hate this fucking job, and I will be fired"
Listen to the audio below:

Prank 2#
Names printed on the note: Arhevbin Fayed and Bybeiev Rhibodie
Reads like this: "I‘ve just been fired, and bye-bye everybody"
Listen to the audio below:

Prank 3#
Names printed on the note: Aynayda Pizaqvick and Malexa Kriest
Reads like this: "I need a piss quick, and my legs are crossed"
Listen to the audio below:

Prank 4#
Names printed on the note: Awul Dasfilshabeda and Nowaynayda Zheet
Reads like this: "Oo-ah, that feels better and now I need a shit"
Listen to the audio below:

Prank 5#
Names printed on the note: Makollig Jezvahted and Levdaroum DeBahzted
Reads like this: "My colleague just farted, and left the room, the bastard"
Listen to the audio below:

Prank 6#
Names printed on the note: Steelaygot Maowenbach and Tuka Piziniztee
Reads like this: "Still, I got my own back and took a piss in his tea"
Listen to the audio below:

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