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Saturday, 21 July 2007

Confusing Phone Conversation - Ah Beng Joke

Caller: Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan (anyone)?

Operator: Yes, you can speak to me.

Caller: No, I want to speak to Annie Wan!

Operator: You are talking to someone! Who is this?

Caller: I’m Sam Wan (someone) and I need to talk to Annie Wan! It is urgent.

Operator: I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone, but what is this urgent matter about?

Caller: @#$… just tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother Noel Wan (no one ) was involved in an accident. Noel Wan got injured and now Noel Wan is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan (everyone) is on his way to the hospital.

Operator: Look, if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn’t an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I don’t have time for this!

Caller: You are so rude! What is your name?

Operator: I am Saw Lee (sorry)!

Caller: Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anything to do with extreme arrogance and the wholesale view that everything else is wrong save one’s own view has no place whatsoever in a multicultural and multi-religious society.
The government or all of society has taken the prudent and well-timed step to intervene and chastise anyone who disturbs the very fabric of peace and prosperity in Malaysia by advancing a facetious and simplistic lop-sided debate.
People like Datuk Yip Kum Fook should be removed from the national discourse on important issues for the nation as he has nothing to contribute save bigotry and small-mindedness
